Friday, September 11, 2015

A Newly Found Dog Poop Scooping Pride

A few times my dog has not quite made the sandy waste area at the end of our road - the perfect pooping ground. In front of a whole construction site full of workers I have had to use dog poop baggies to scoop his poop from the pavement and dispose of it in an appropriate place. I have always been pretty embarrassed as I'm sure the workers (and anyone of the hundred plus residents looking out of their apartment windows) must think I'm demented.
Today, I watched a man walking his dog when the dog pooped on the pavement. The owner immediately took out a baggie and scooped the poop. I didn't think he was demented. I was so delighted to see him be such a responsible dog-owner that I wanted to give him a thumbs up but having been in the mortifying position of having to clean up after my dog in front of the whole neighbourhood, I thought it best not to. 
I will no longer feel embarrassed to scoop poop, in fact I think I'll start handing out baggies to the maids walking their employer's dogs and try to encourage them to use them too.



  1. I do it all the time - and I've got a dog with some major big poop! Nothing to be embarrassed about. If someone gives you a strange look, you can always ask if they would like it. :D

    1. I try not to make eye contact after scooping the poop but I'm getting more confident. So thankful we have a huge plot of sandy waste land nearby.


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