Thursday, October 30, 2014

LOYAC Presents Min Hawa Al Andalus Subtitled in English

The bio page can be found on their Instagram page or call above numbers for assistance. Entrance will be KD 2. 

Booking link

In Addition to the description 

The events of the play take place at the end of the tenth century A.D in Andalusia, at the palace of Al-Zahra in Qortuba, to be exact. The play highlights the most important political and dramatic events that occurred during and after the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah, the ninth in the Ummaya line in Andalusia. Under his rule, the sciences were said to have flourished and the largest library in the world at the time was built in Cordoba.

The play tells the story of Soboh Al-Bashkinsiya, the chambermaid of Caliph Al-Mustansir, who also became his lover, companion and advisor, as well as the mother of his son, Prince Hisham. A brilliant and ambitious tutor and guardian named Mohammed Ben Abi Al-Amer is appointed for the prince and here is where our tale begins.

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