Thursday, October 20, 2011

British Embassy And British InterestsTargeted In Kuwait?

19 October 2011

Embassy Notice 43/2011

To British citizens residing and working in Kuwait... 
We have become aware of a significant increased threat to the British Embassy in Kuwait. We cannot discount the possibility that this increased threat could extend to wider British interests in Kuwait. We therefore advise British businesses and organisations to review urgently their security.”

For this reason the Consular Public Counter will closed tomorrow Thursday, 20 October 2011 and will reopen on Sunday, 23 October 2011.

For the latest FCO travel advice please visit:

Consular Section
British Embassy Kuwait

LWDLIK- This is for those who may not have registered with Locate. If you've registered with Locate this will help the embassy keep you informed and updated. You will need to re-register yearly as a long-term resident.

It is very sad to think that we are so disliked, by a few members of the society here, that they would threaten our embassy or British interests here. There are several British schools here with thousands of children from various ethnicities and religions. Advising them to 'review' their security is a worrying situation for all parents out here. As a mother of a child in a British school it has me very worried indeed.

We have shared the pain and anguish during the long days of the occupation of Kuwait. British sons and daughters sacrificed their lives to help liberate this country and return it to the Kuwaitis. If it was only for the oil we would have laid claim back in the 1930's. 

I consider myself fiercely loyal to Kuwait.

There are great British teachers here educating Kuwaiti children, British businesses contributing to the economy of Kuwait, doctors, engineers, bankers, consultants, IT specialists, etc. 99.9% of them will leave Kuwait one day, my hope is that they leave knowing what the 'real' Kuwaitis are like. The Kuwaitis who love this country. That don't litter their beloved country, that drive with caution, are respectful to guests, are tolerant of other creeds, are honest, kind and hospitable,  who yearn for progress and encourage goodwill to all. I have been lucky enough to meet them and love them. I wish that for all who visit.


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