Friday, June 10, 2011

Police: 'Contortionist' looted travellers' bags by hiding in luggage


Spanish police have arrested a "contortionist" accused of hiding in a suitcase on an airport bus in an attempt to steal from passengers' luggage.

The BBC reports on the bizarre story, writing:

An alleged accomplice was also arrested after the first man was found "doubled up almost like a contortionist" inside the case, police said.

Asked what he was doing, the suitcase man, who wore a head lamp, said he had been unable to pay the coach fare.

The alleged burglar was also found with a sharp tool apparently used for opening zips and locks, as well as a small bag and a mobile phone.

Authorities say they started looking for suspicious activity after receiving a series of complaints about thefts from luggage on the bus, which shuttles passengers the roughly 60 miles between the Barcelona and the city's distant Girona Barcelona Airport.

The BBC says Spain's el Periodico newspaper reports police broke the case after watching a man struggle to load a heavy suitcase onto the bus. When police gave the bag a closer inspection, they noticed the suitcase was warm.

El Peridico even offers a Spanish-language diagram detailing the alleged criminal operation.

The Associated Press explains the scheme in plain English, writing:

The accomplice would place the contortionist thief inside the cargo bay of a bus running from the airport in the city of Girona south to Barcelona, board the bus and then retrieve him at the end of the line.

During the 60-mile (100-kilometer) ride, the man would slip out of the suitcase and use a sharp object to pick locks or open zippers to get into other people's luggage, police said. He stole objects including cell phones, laptops and GPS devices and would place them in a smaller bag that he brought with him. The thief would then get back into the larger suitcase and when the bus reached its destination, the accomplice would retrieve both pieces of luggage.

"'It was a very unusual modus operandi," a member of the region's police force is quoted as saying by the Daily Mail of London.

Australia's quotes a police spokesman as jokingly saying: "I believe this is what the British call an open-and-shut case."

LWDLIK - I'm speechless!

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