Monday, June 27, 2011

"Inside Job" the Movie About The Screwing of the American People

Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner in the documentary “Inside Job.”

It is a heartbreaking movie that reveals the epitomy of greed and corruption in this ugly world of ours. An award winning documentary by Charles Ferguson on the real reasons and people behind the 2008 to date financial recession in America and the rest of the world.

The big fat liars, the unconsionable, the insatiable desire for more wealth - all laid bare by the masterful interviewer who deftly had these men squirming and speechless at times. Some of the other huge stinky fish involved were smart enough not to agree to be interviewed.

A must see movie!

Read more in The New York Times or to view clips

Thank you Mr Ferguson.

1 comment:

Always great to hear from you :O)